Monday, January 17, 2011

Skull Studie

Found this skull studie I've made when Zb4 came out. I believe it was the first render using BPR. It was a simple exercise following this old tutorial. Decided to explore new techniques in photoshop and achieved something a bit drastic maybe, but it's certainly the direction I wanted, giving 3d pieces a painted look, mixed with some design elements, I guess. Next time I'll try to keep the model shapes more defined, or maybe not... I'll have to decide what is the main focus of my images: the final illustration or showcasing the model. Right now, I think illustration wins.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy 2011

Hello. Since this is my first post this year, let me start by wishing a great new year to you all. This is a fast doodle I've done last year, just for testing the planar brushes, as well as some of Michael Angelo Hernandez's (Mahlikus The Black on ZBC) great custom brushes. I had no specific design in mind, so the result isn't that good, but it was a good exercise, nevertheless.